Monday, February 28, 2011

Things I Like

People who give themselves pep-talks in the Library. Sometimes I feel like answering with a hearty "Yeah!" or "You go, frantic student who procrastinated too long and now has to spend time formerly allotted to eating and sleeping poring through dusty tomes!" Not sure how helpful that would be, though.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Happy Birthday, Renoir!

Pierre Auguste Renoir, a French painter, was born on this day in 1841. If he were alive today, he would be 170 years old, and probably not painting a whole lot. When he did paint, this one, called The Theater Box, was one of his more well-known ones. It was painted in 1874.

As Finals Approach

Drowning Girl - by Roy Lichtenstein

I have no idea who Brad is, but if he has a life-jacket for academia, I'll take it.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Distraction is Not the Internet's Fault

My internet died, and I realized that aside from a dramatic drop in diversity, losing the internet did not change my level of distraction and procrastination. I really am able to be distracted away from school work by ANYTHING. Really, my 'office supplies box' became fascinating. On the up-side, so did unloading the dishwasher and re-organizing the piles of paper on my kitchen table.
*Note: My hair does not, in fact, get frizzy as a result of the absence of internet. It's just a mistake on my part while using the spray brush in Paint.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Profile Views

Apparently my profile has had "approximately" 223 views as of the time I'm writing this. I'm glad that rounding was never this precise when I was going to school. I wonder if the person who designed that was one of those annoying women (not that men don't do it too, but women are better known for it) who insist on stating their child's age in months for a ridiculously long amount of time.


Old habits are hard to break

No, my study habits have not really changed since undergrad. Am I better at disguising this? Yes. Am I any closer to being a non-procrastinator? No. I may enroll in procrastinators anonymous... later. In the meantime, I do stuff like this as an example of my procrastinating.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Job Futility or Job Security?

An employee of my apartment complex has the glamorous job of cleaning up after the resident geese which number somewhere around 20-30. While I doubt he'll ever be out of a job, I also doubt he'll ever get his job "done".


Why doesn't running back and forth umpteen times because you forgot something in your apartment count as "working out"? (Especially when over 192 steps in under ten minutes are involved?)