Friday, April 22, 2011

Can I Keep Him?

I need a pet dragon. This way, no one would ever mess with me, I could fly to school (and anywhere else I needed to go), wouldn't have to pay for parking, and would have a great excuse for pretty much everything. ("Sorry, my dragon ate it... and it's still hungry..."). To feed my dragon, I would take up crime-fighting at night (or just train the dragon to look for bad guys). Not that my dragon will kill anyone, that's illegal. But I'm sure no one will complain if serial killers start missing limbs. Right arms, for instance. I could also teach it to hunt pigeons, rabbits... small things that overpopulate. It wouldn't have to be a large dragon, after all, only about as big as a horse, or even a small pony. Yep, I need a dragon.

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