Sunday, August 28, 2011

I Know How He Feels...

A funny thing happens between "three weeks" and "two weeks". It's fairly similar to what happens between "two weeks" and "next week". The former, when compared to the latter, always sounds much longer than your logic knows it is. I've had a certain deadline on my mind for months now (about 10, so close to a year, really). It wasn't top priority until about three months ago. At three months, it seemed like I had plenty of time. At two, I was still fine. At one, Ok, time to crack down. All of a sudden, the countdown went from months to weeks... (cue 'Jaws' theme music). But hey, three weeks is pretty much a month, right? I'm still fine. Then, suddenly, my calendar tells me "twelve days". Days? DAYS? When did the countdown get to DAYS?!? *PANIC*! But, ok... two weeks... thats half a month...No, it's still days. And now that I'm down to days, I'm going to get back to work. You know, before it becomes hours.

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