Wednesday, October 26, 2011



Today was the first day of snow, and suffice to say, everyone was shocked. Sure, we had warning of the 20 degree drop from yesterday (it'll be back up another 30 tomorrow, doubling our current temps), but it's been a year since we've all felt the bitter chill of below freezing, and I don't think anyone was really ready for a snow day. The photo above was taken from my cell phone downtown at about 11:00am, and you can't see it but it is still snowing. We're expecting a foot (some places have already gotten it) by the end of all this. Trains (light rails) were stopped or delayed, buses were late, I don't even want to hear the traffic reports, and pedestrians everywhere were drenched with wet snow from the knees down.

Just yesterday I was thinking that despite everything, I've come to have a certain fondness for this quirky place. Today is another example of my odd relationship with this town. On the one hand, the cold is very unwelcome. Years in the desert make me quite content calling 50 degrees "freezing beyond belief". The unexpected day off of work and the chance to snuggle under the blanket with a good book for a couple hours though... (What? I'll do homework in a minute. I wouldn't be doing it if I were at work anyway). There are also definite plans for hot chocolate (thanks, Grandma!), cookies (thanks, Mom!) and caramel apples (thanks, Me!) tonight. 

Maybe a snow day in October is just what the doctor ordered...

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