Friday, March 23, 2012

Diet Drama

Ok, so lately I've been on a quasi-diet. Nothing drastic, just watching calories and trying to exercise more... call it a lazy girl's health kick. Yes, it started out with wanting to lose a few pounds, but as soon as I hit that goal, I thought "woohoo! Food!" And that's where the trouble began.


My first big hurdle when I started this kick was going from the 'girl who could live on cheeseburgers and still lose weight' to the 'girl who would gain a pound every time she looked at a cheeseburger.' Cutting back was step one, and as a genuine food-lover, that was killer. But I came to realize that since I already love fruit and veggies, amping those up was no big deal, though my shift from beef-heavy to poultry-heavy meals was sad. I also figured out that the biggest motivation for me to exercise was the ability to eat more food. Needless to say, once I figured all this out, I got through the first couple weeks and after that, things started going well.

Goodbye, sandwiches with every salami known to man...
Imagine my surprise when, just after losing my goal weight, it started going back up! I was eating fewer calories, more veggies and fruits, and was always way under my calorie limit. Then it hit me - I wasn't eating enough calories. My body had decided that I was starving myself and that I needed to retain as much as possible. Now I have the best diet ever - keep eating until I get just below my calorie limit, and make as much of it fruit, veggies, dairy, poultry and fish as possible. Anyone have any other tips?

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