Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Under the HuGE

The Hunger Games Effect (or Hu.G.E. as I call it) has swept over most everyone I know, and I'm no exception. So... here's my contribution.

Instead of writing a movie review (since I haven't seen it yet due to opening-weekend phobias), or a book review (been done), I've been thinking about what I would do if I was 'reaped'. First of all, I wouldn't be at this point because I'm not between the ages of 12 and 18. I don't even really know anyone between those ages anymore (fortunately for my Games alter-ego). Secondly, of course, it would all depend on which District I came from. For those of you who don't know, remember, etc., here's a breakdown of the Districts.

  District 1: Luxury goods. The people here are pretty privileged and close to the Capitol, and provide Panem with luxury items, though what those are exactly is never clear.
District 2: Masonry. This becomes important in the later books, though it is clear from the beginning that District 2, like 1, is closely aligned with the eeeeeeeevil Capitol.
District 3: Technology. Yep. A whole district full of nerds. But not rocket scientists, those come later. Apparently there's a huge distinction between regular nerds and nuke nerds.
District 4: Fishing. Fairly self-explanatory. Only big deal about this one is that it, like 1 and 2, is considered a 'career' district, where being reaped is an honor. Did you notice that the nerds were just skipped over?
District 5: Power. But not nuke power. Nope, none for Panem.
District 6: Transportation. Cars and stuff. Again, not clear.
District 7: Lumber. A whole district full of Lumberjacks, but they're ok. They sleep all night and they work all day. They also wield axes (including thrown??) and climb.
District 8: Textiles. No apparent Games skills here, except basket-weaving... oh wait, that was District 4. Never mind. Nothing useful.
District 9: Grain. Indirectly at fault for Peeta's bread fetish. Other than that, not useful (again) unless you happen to have a wheat field in your games.
District 10: Livestock. Lots and lots of cows.
District 11: Agriculture. Why they didn't combine this district with Grain, I'll never know. Can't have all the food in one place, maybe?
District 12: Mining. Also known for a particularly rebellious breed of Mockingjay. No dwarfs, as far as anyone knows.

District 13: Nukes. Thought to be destroyed, but has been secretly inbreeding their little nerd selves for 75 years, waiting for the 'opportune moment' to strike back.

So, now that we know all that, let's see where I would be. Given my status as child of the computer age, and various hobbies, I'd like to think I'd be in 3 with the other techie nerds. However, my geographical location would place me in the Capitol, 1, or 2. Heritage would put me in 10 or 11. Unfortunately, there's no information given on how the Districts were divided initially, or who decided what jobs would go to which people. Was it an assignment at first? Did people choose? Also, according to the book, the districts don't communicate with each other, let alone cross-populate. That means that District 13 isn't the only group of inbred cousins for the last 75 years. How was this missed? And how is it that they're apparently the only district suffering from population issues because of it?

I digress. I have no idea what District I would be in, but I'm pretty sure there's no right answer on that one. I'm sure there will be an internet quiz about it soon enough, though. Where do you think you would be?

*information about districts gathered from

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